Will Writing [ Protect what’s important ]

    • Asset 4Online, over the phone or video
    • Asset 4Storage & legal checking included with every will
    • Asset 4Choose what will happen to your estate

A legal document which allows you to express your wishes as to how your money, property and possessions should be distributed when you die. Choose a single Will if you’re single, widowed or not living with a partner. Choose a mirror Will if you’re married, in a civil partnership or living together (co-habiting).

  • A Will puts you in control. You choose who will benefit from your estate (your property, money, business interests and possessions) and how much they should receive.
  • You may wish to prevent certain people from inheriting and this can only be achieved by writing a Will.
  • Dying without a valid Will means that your possessions will be distributed according to the laws of intestacy, which are out of date and do not consider the modern family set up.
  • It’s far quicker and cheaper to deal with an estate where there is a Will than without one. Where there is no Will and as such no executors, then your next of kin will become responsible for your estate; these could well be people you would not have wanted.
  • You may wish to leave gifts to friends, charities or other family members who might not otherwise be entitled under the rules of intestacy; you can only do this by making a Will.
  • By writing a Will, you can choose how your children should be cared for and by who. Without this it could mean that your children are cared for by Social Services whilst the court decides who should look after them long term
  • You can also choose your most trusted people to act as your executors. They will carry out your wishes and make sure your estate is given out as you intended.

By planning ahead and writing your Will you have the peace of mind knowing that, when the time comes, you will have done all you can to make life as easy as possible for those you have left behind.

  • Quick and easy
  • Jargon free
  • Written by experts with years of experience with this type of thing.
  • Set out so you can fill in the questions at a pace to suit you.
  • Instantaneous. Your Wills(s) are produced immediately and added to your important documents, ensuring your trusted people can access the latest version.
  • Convenient. You can print and sign your Will when you want.
  • Value for money

There are no hidden costs when you make your Will. Not only do you get expert help, you also get all of this;

  • Unlimited access to your Will and the ability to produce as many copies as required.
  • Help and advice on how to sign your Will correctly.
  • Help at the end of the phone whenever it is needed.

Pricing (All prices include VAT. Any discounts are automatically applied at checkout)

Online single Will £90.00 (including VAT) | Only £67.50 with your Aviva discount

Online Mirror Will £180.00 (including VAT) | Only £135 with your Aviva discount

Single Telephone or Video Will £150 (including VAT) | Only £112.50 with your Aviva discount

Mirror Telephone or Video Will £300 (including VAT) | Only £225 with your Aviva discount

Protective Will (for those who require asset protection) £495 | Only £371.25 with your Aviva discount

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LPA [ Who speaks for you ]

    • Asset 4Online, over the phone or face to face
    • Asset 4Health & Welfare or Property & Financial
    • Asset 4Lifetime storage and legal checking service

A legal document, which allows you to appoint your most trusted people, attorneys, to make decisions on your behalf. These may be decisions about your financial affairs (as set out in a Property and Financial Affairs LPA), and your health needs (set out in a Health and Welfare LPA).

If you don’t have a LPA in place and you lose the ability to manage your affairs, for example through accident or illness, then your family would need to apply to the Court of Protection for a Deputyship Order. This is very costly, time-consuming and emotionally difficult; and comes at a time when your loved one may be struggling to cope.

LPAs can also be used for temporary financial decisions, where someone may be absent abroad for long periods or where a person may have disabilities which makes getting to the bank or paying bills difficult.

What is the difference between Property and Financial Affairs and a Health and Welfare LPA?

Property and Financial Affairs LPA

Choose one or more people to make decisions about matters relating to:

  • Paying household bills or transferring money in and out of bank accounts.
  • Collecting benefits or salaries owed to you.
  • Selling or transferring your home.
  • Managing the upkeep of your property.

This type of LPA can be used for short periods of time or on a more permanent basis.

Health and Welfare LPA

Choose one or more people, to make decisions about matters relating to:

  • Your daily routine (e.g. eating, taking medication).
  • Your medical care.
  • Moving into a care home.
  • Decisions about life-sustaining treatment.

This type of LPA can only be used when you have lost the ability to make your own decisions.

  • It’s not just access to forms, it’s a comprehensive tool with lots of help and guidance.
  • It’s quick and easy.
  • It’s jargon free
  • It’s written by experts with years of experience with this type of thing
  • You can fill out the questions at a pace to suit you.
  • Your LPAs are produced instantly and added to your important documents, ensuring your trusted people can access the latest version.
  • Print and sign your LPAs at your convenience, with detailed instructions on how to do so.
  • Value for money.

There are no hidden costs when you make your LPAs. Not only do you get expert help, you also get all of this:

  • Unlimited access to your LPA documents
  • Help and advice on how to sign your LPA correctly
  • Help at the end of the phone whenever it is needed


(All prices include VAT. Discounts are automatically applied at checkout. Prices are per person, per LPA.)

Online LPA £240 (including VAT) | £180* with your Aviva discount SAVE £60

Telephone or Video LPA £395 (including VAT) | £296.25* with your Aviva discount SAVE £98.75

For telephone and video appointments, please contact us.

*Fees and Government Charges 

The cost of registering a Lasting Power of Attorney with the Office of Public Guardian (OPG) is £82** per Lasting Power of Attorney. OPG fees are not included in the Red Apple Law Discount as this fee is outside of our control.

In some cases, you may be entitled to an exemption (the registration is free of charge) or a remission (you only pay part of the fee). You will be advised about whether you are eligible at the time of making your LPA.

**Registration fees are paid directly to the OPG, by card or cheque. Prices are not set by Red Apple Law and are subject to change without notice as determined by the OPG.

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Living Will [ Don’t become voiceless ]

    • Asset 4Make your future medical treatment wishes known
    • Asset 4Specify particular circumstances
    • Asset 4Legally binding and UK wide

In simple terms a Living Will is a way in which you can let medical professionals know your wishes now, about your health care and treatment in the future, at a time when you may not be able to express them yourself. A Living Will, also known as an Advance Directive states the circumstances in which you would like treatment to stop or which treatments you would like to refuse completely (it cannot be used to request certain types of treatment). It can also contain details of how much involvement you would like your loved ones to have in these decisions or if you would like to leave them to medical professionals.

The document is legally binding and must be followed by the health care professional administering treatment as long as it is valid and applicable to the situation.

While you have capacity you can discuss your treatment directly with your doctors and jointly map out a treatment plan. However, if you were to be taken to hospital unconscious or are unable to make decisions yourself, temporarily or permanently, due to certain conditions like Alzheimer’s or dementia; your doctors, after discussions with your loved ones, would make treatment decisions for you.

Although medical professionals have a legal and ethical obligation to act in your best interests, they don’t know all of your beliefs, or if you have strong views about particular situations. You may not have had a chance to discuss these with your loved ones either. By drawing up a Living Will, you’re providing reassurance about your wishes and removing some of the burden from your family or friends, who will be making decisions on your behalf at a time which could be extremely emotional for them.

You may have made or heard of a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA). A registered Health and Welfare LPA helps your loved ones with decisions on the type of healthcare you may need, day to day issues or if residential care is needed for example. There is an option within a Health and Welfare LPA which gives your attorneys the power to refuse/consent to life sustaining treatment. However, it does not allow you to give guidance, conditions or help them make these decisions based on what you would want and in what scenario.

A Living Will and Advance Statement, combined with a Health and Welfare LPA, makes sure all of your health decisions are thought about now, ready for the future.

Why use this tool?

  • Is quick and easy
  • Is not just a form to fill in; it guides you in a logical and manageable way without jargon.
  • Allows you to access your Living Will when you want, add new information whenever you need and update it as and when.
  • Produces your Living Will instantly; a copy of the document is automatically added to your Filing Cabinet, ensuring your trusted people can access the latest version.
  • Gives you the ability to print and sign your Living Will at your convenience, with detailed instructions on how to do so.

Don’t forget to store your signed Living Will with your Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney. You can also include what is known as an Advance Statement which sets out general preferences that you would like to be considered by medical or care staff, and may include statements about your religious or spiritual beliefs, how you would like to be supported, food preferences and your daily routines. Ask us for more details on making an Advance Statement.


(All prices include VAT. Discounts are automatically applied at checkout. Prices are per person, per Living Will.)

Online Living Will £60 (including VAT) | £45 with your Aviva discount SAVE £15

Ask for help at any time by clicking the ‘Need Help’ button.

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Terminal Illness Support

    • Asset 4Legal Estate Planning consultation
    • Asset 4Compassionate and experienced professionals
    • Asset 4Signposting to verified organisation

You can book an appointment with a professional and experienced Estate Planner who will be able to advise you about what you would like to happen with your estate and then put the plans into action with legal documentation. If you choose to put legal documents in place (like a Will) your discounted rates will be automatically applied.

In this holistic consultation you can also ask questions about bereavement processes that might apply for your loved ones, and we can help you to put plans in place to make sure they are supported emotionally, practically, and legally.

You can also ask about Inheritance Tax and any complex matters that you are concerned about.

This service can give you the peace of mind of knowing that your plans are in place and that your loved ones can access them.

This is a free consultation. If you choose to proceed with a Red Apple Law Legal service then an additional appointment will be arranged where fees may apply. Your discounts will be applied automatically, and any fees will be discussed and clarified in advance.

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My Final Wishes [ All in one place ]

    • Asset 4Unlock to access extra tools!
    • Asset 4Premium document storage
    • Asset 4Plus digital assets 

My Documents

Upgrade your document storage with premium My Documents.

  • Let your trusted people know what you have
  • Convenient, secure and manageable
  • Customise and upload unlimited documents
Digital Assets
  • Let trusted people know what to do with your online after life
  • Keep social media in trusted hands
  • Secure, simple, necessary

With so much of our everyday lives now being paperless, and paper trails no longer existing in the way they used to, it is difficult for people to identify every account that someone has.

It is especially problematic when you also include our online accounts. In fact, a YouGov survey found that over 50% of people wouldn’t be able to access the account of someone who has died.

Documenting this information not only means that you have a record of it, but also that your most trusted people can access it at a time when it is needed.

My Final Wishes is available to permanent residents of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is not available to residents of the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.

My Final Wishes requires a UK phone number in order to set up and access the required 2-factor verification (2FA) for security purposes.

Head to your Vouchers page in the My Account section to redeem your free trial code. Enter your voucher code at any of the My Final Wishes checkouts to start your trial.


All prices are inclusive of VAT
Subscribe to continue using My Final Wishes and its Premium features for £12.99 per year | £9.74 per year for Aviva customers

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